Converting Sozi presentations to PDF or video

Translations: Português do Brasil, Français, Deutsch

Sozi-export is now considered obsolete. Since Sozi 21.02, the conversion tool has been integrated into the presentation editor.

Documentation for this new feature will be available soon.

Sozi-export is a set of command-line tools that you can use to convert a Sozi presentation into a PDF document, a video, or a PowerPoint presentation. The source code is available in the Sozi-export repository. These tools are independent from the presentation editor. They have been tested only for GNU/Linux.


Sozi-export depends on the following software that you must install separately:

Users of Debian-based distributions can install the texlive-extra-utils and libav-tools packages.

apt-get install texlive-extra-utils libav-tools

Sozi-export is provided as an NPM package. Install node.js 0.10 or later (Linux users can use the NodeSource distributions), then:

npm install -g sozi-export

Convert a Sozi presentation to PDF

sozi-to-pdf [options] presentation.sozi.html


The width, height and resolution options specify the geometry of the browser window where the presentation is rendered. The default values are suitable for generating a printable document with A4 page format. The paper and portrait options specify the page format to use in the final PDF document.

The include option is always applied before the exclude option. Frames lists have the following syntax:

For instance: -i 2,4:6,10:12:18 will include frames 2, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18.

Convert a Sozi presentation to video

sozi-to-video [options] presentation.sozi.html


Convert a Sozi presentation to a PowerPoint presentation

This tool creates a PowerPoint document with the PPTX format. It supports a subset of the options for sozi-to-pdf.

sozi-to-pptx [options] presentation.sozi.html


Known issues and limitations

These tools uses a headless web browser for rendering. PhantomJS and SlimerJS both have benefits and limitations:

Currently, the PDF export tool renders each frame to a PNG image and joins them into a PDF document.