Sozi 17.11 is available

Translations: Português do Brasil, Français

This release allows to selectively enable user actions when playing the presentation. The following categories of mouse and keyboard actions can be enabled or disabled independently:

Sozi 17.11 is available in 16 languages. Translations for Chinese, Polish, Italian and Lithuanian have been upgraded. However, most translations are not up to date, so if you don't speak English, French or Esperanto, you are likely to see some non-translated English text in the user interface of the editor.

If you want to help translate Sozi to your language, you will find instructions for translators on this site. Please open an issue if you want us to add a new completed translation file or update an existing one.

Use Sozi 17.11 now!

Sozi 17 can be run either as a standalone desktop application, or as a hosted web application.


Report issues if you find bugs or want to suggest improvements.