Embedding video and audio

Translations: Deutsch, Português do Brasil, Français

You can insert video and audio into a Sozi presentation, or even into any SVG document, using the Add video or audio extension for Inkscape.


  1. Download the Sozi-extras-media-[...].zip from the latest release of Sozi.
  2. The zip archive contains two files: sozi_extras_media.inx and sozi_extras_media.py. Extract them to the Inkscape extensions folder:
    • for Linux and OS X: ~/.config/inkscape/extensions,
    • for Windows: C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\extensions,
  3. Open Inkscape. In the Extensions menu, you should find a Sozi extras submenu with the item Add video or audio.


When adding a new audio or video element to an SVG document, you are asked to provide the following information:


The presentation below plays a video in the second frame and an audio sample in the third frame. Download the presentation files.

Browser support

Technically, this feature relies on the HTML5 <video> and <audio> elements that can be embedded into SVG documents. Web browsers do not support the same set of media formats. See the follwing page for more information: Media formats supported by the HTML audio and video elements (Mozilla Developer Network).

Currently, Chrome (as of version 33) does not apply geometrical transformations (rotation, scaling, translation) to video and audio elements embedded in SVG documents. Media will always show in the top-left corner of the browser window. As far as we know, only Firefox handles them correctly.