Source: i18n.js

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 /** Internationalization support in the presentation editor.
  * @module

import Jed from "jed";
import locales from "./locales";

/** Convert a language tag to a dash-separated lowercase string.
 * @param {string} tag - A language tag.
 * @returns {string} - The same language tag, dash-separated lowercase.
function normalize(tag) {
    return tag.replace(/_/g, "-").toLowerCase();

/** Initialize the internationalization support in the current editor.
 * In autodection mode, this function will query the web browser for the
 * current language.
 * @param {string} [lang="auto"] - A language tag to use, or `"auto"`.
 * @returns {Jed} - An instance of `Jed` that provides the `gettext` function.
export function init(lang="auto") {
    if (lang === "auto") {
        lang = window.navigator.languages && window.navigator.languages.length ?
            window.navigator.languages[0] :
            (window.navigator.language || window.navigator.userLanguage || "en");

    // Normalize the given language tag and extract the language code alone
    lang = normalize(lang);
    const langShort = lang.split("-")[0];

    // Find the user language in the available locales
    const allLanguages = Object.keys(locales).map(normalize);
    let langIndex = allLanguages.indexOf(lang);
    if (langIndex < 0) {
        langIndex = allLanguages.indexOf(langShort);

    const localeData = langIndex >= 0 ? locales[Object.keys(locales)[langIndex]] : {};

    return new Jed(localeData);